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Lowering Waste Without Spending Money
Want to do your part in helping the environment, but don’t have money to spend on converting everything in your house? Here are some ideas that don’t cost anything.
Routines For Kids: Morning and Evening
Morning and evening routines can make getting kids to school and bed much less stressful. Read how I’ve made my kids completely independent when they wake up and go to bed.
How to Start Eating Healthier as a Family
Start eating healthier as a family! Here are some ideas on how to go about adding healthier foods into your everyday diet and lowering junk food.
Should I DIY This Project?
DIYing is very popular right now but is it right for you? Answer these questions to figure out if a project is worth DIYing or not.
6 Simple Healthy Breakfasts For Kids
6 healthy breakfast ideas that kids and adults alike will enjoy. All of these can be changed up with different flavors so no one gets bored!
To Buy Baby Food, Or Not To Buy Baby Food?
Can you get away with not buying baby food? I have and here’s how.
Pregnancy in a Nutshell
Here’s a quick overview of pregnancy. Having 5 kids, there are similarities and differences in each. Hopefully, this will help you recognize your own body’s changes during pregnancy and help you make the best of it.